Friday, July 02, 2010


I've been thinking about something I read a few days ago. It has really challenged me! I've been thinking about a post I read on a site I visit often. It's written by an atheist. My intent is not to challenge them, but to read his thoughts as challenges to me and his post did that. The title of the post was harsh, but I have been thinking about it.....
Here is the title of his post:
There are a number of things I could say about the title alone, but let me simply direct my comments to the walk of the Christian believer- what does a personal relationship with Jesus Christ look like? How do you know when you have one? Is your relationship with Jesus Christ one you could describe to me? Is your relationship with him anything like any other relationship? Is it what you want it to be? My questions for my own faith from this title are many, but my personal challenges are simple....what is my relationship with Jesus Christ like? Could I articulate it to someone else? Is it what I want it to be? And, how do I pursue a more authentic relationship with Jesus Christ in my daily life?
I know the article was meant as an attack upon the Christian's faith, but it actually challenged me to pursue my relationship with Jesus in a more passionate way. I am definitely challenged!


  1. "Is it what I want it to be? And, how do I pursue a more authentic relationship with Jesus Christ in my daily life?"

    Wow - that strikes deep, Mike, and challenges me too. Oh, may the Lord rekindle in us both a deeper love for him!

    "Now we ask you and urge you to do this more and more!"

  2. Invitation: a new blog for women and girls!
    Click in the flag of the EUA/UE. Read in your language. Join!

    Princesas de Deus (Princess of God)

  3. I can only assume that the post you read is trying to say that since jesus lived 2000 years ago, its impossible for you to have a relationship with him. As a chistian myself, i can understand this and have had to redefine what it means to me. I do not and can not know someone from the past whom i have never met. Really it comes down to christian jargon i think. For me, i choose to say that i know the christ of faith, but not the jesus of history. The christ of faith for me is defined as the perfect person that God wants us all to be, and he lives in us if we will seek and follow him. He is the goodness of God displayed through humans. Anything that is good within me is modeled after the christ. The superman in us all so to speak. Its what spurs me towards love, mercy, compassion, obedience, etc...

    i have a relationship with the essence of god displayed in me, not with someone i have never actually met in real life.

    Works for me anyway, makes more sense to put it that way and i can then move on to actually living that truth instead of overthinking the details.

    John P.
