Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

For one day a year we celebrate dads. A card. A hug. A phone call. A smile. A thought.

May I take a moment and thank my dad for his wonderful example of hard work, godly living and care for us through many years. I'm glad my dad is still a part of my life. He's struggling with health issues, but makes the best of his life. I got to be with him a month ago for his 84th birthday. It was great to see him.

As a dad and granddad myself, I hope I leave behind a good memory and model in the lives of those I care about in the years ahead. For all a man does being a dad is the most difficult, most important and most rewarding task we have. We are called to show our kids what God is like, how he feels about them. Our impact on our children is bigger than we know.

So, for all you dads...Happy Father's Day! Live your life with the realization that your children learn what God is like by watching you. Live well and have a great day!


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