Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Wonderful meetings

Have you ever been in just the right place at just the right time?
Have you ever had the opportunity to bless someone you never met before?
Have you ever had the joy of being nice for no reason at all?
I have.
While in Seattle over the weekend we were in the Pike Place market enjoying all the excitement of a Saturday morning when, from behind me, I heard applause. I turned to witness a young man proposing to his girlfriend. Camera in hand I began to shoot. No one else was documenting this wonderful event so I took on the task gladly. It was a great event in the middle of the frenzy of the market. As he put the ring on her finger and received a "yes" and a warm kiss I asked for a posed photo with them both, flowers in hand. It was a great treat for me. I gave the young man my card with these words, "If you want the photos just let me know, I'll send them to you." Without knowing it until yesterday, before their trip to Seattle, he had e-mailed his sister in law and told her, "if I could just figure out a way to have someone there taking pictures it would be perfect." And then he writes in his e-mail to me, "And there you were...thank you for helping make that day perfect." -Tyler. I was thrilled to get his e-mail asking for the photos, but even more excited to send them. It's great fun doing something nice for no reason at all! Best wishes Tyler and Magan. I hope you have a wonderful life together and I hope you all enjoy the photos that were my great treat to take....


  1. Great shots Mike! I know you blessed them!

  2. I second Toneman! Mike you didn't just bless Tyler and Magan but you blessed their families too. I am Magan's cousin and I just can't believe how precious these pictures are. Raw, real, in their special moment and we all get to see it! Thank you so much for your generosity. ~Maile

  3. Maile,

    thank you for your kind words. Personally, I feel like I'm the one that got the blessing. I'm glad others are enjoying these photos too. As I told Tyler, I'm glad I got to share this little kindness with a complete stranger and obviously a much loved man. Thank you again for your comment.


  4. Thank you so much for posting Magan & Tylers percious moment!! I am Magan's aunt & we were in Puerta Vallerta with Magans mom and were thrilled to come home to the good news and then to actually see what you had captured! That was so awesome, you truely blessed the whole family with your sincere act of kindness. Again thank you & bless you! ~~~ Lynn Baier

  5. Lynn,

    You are most welcome. It was a great blessing to me as well.
