Thursday, May 13, 2010

Untold stories

There are times when all we get is a snapshot of life, of amazing people, of untold stories and are left wanting more. Who were these men? What did they do? How did they know each other? How did their lives turn out? A snapshot leaves us with so many questions. What's the rest of the story? What were their lives like?

I love stories. I love to hear about the lives of people I meet. What do you do? Where have you traveled? What have you experienced? But there are so many snapshots that leave us wanting more. As I read the last chapter of Romans this morning I came to a series of names and acknowledgements from Paul that left me wanting more. He wet my appetite for the rest of the story....for the untold story. Here's just one verse of the passage that I want to talk about today.

Romans 16: 7 Greet Andronicus and Junias, my relatives who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.

As I read that simple verse, just one verse, I saw at least five things I want to know more about. First, Junias is also translated Junia in some texts. It's a female name. Was this a woman? We don't know. Second, my relatives....were they? How were they related? What influence did they have on Paul's life? Third, they spent time in prison with Paul. When? Where? Why? I want to know more. Fourth, they were apostles! They had been with Jesus. They were part of his ministry and had seen him crucified and raised to new life. Why haven't I heard about these people before? Did their stories impact Paul before he believed? And last, they were in Christ before Paul. How did their lives weave together? What was their witness to him? I want the rest of the story, but this will be one of those untold stories that will have to wait until the day all our stories are told.

There are so many amazing people living their lives for Christ who have stories we may never hear about. They may be mentioned briefly, but there is so much more to know. There are millions who are following God, living for Christ, with stories that will be largely untold until the day when God tells us their stories.

I can't wait to hear more about these two. I want to sit with them and hear about God's work in their lives. How did he use them? What did they do? What did they see? Was it hard watching a late comer to the faith get all the attention and glory? I can't wait to hear about all the lives that were lived for God and got no glory or recognition in their lifetime. One day God will tell us the untold stories of the lives lived for him. Your life might be one of those stories. Your story might remain untold in this life, like the stories of Andronicus and Junias, but one day God will tell us the stories of lives lived for him. I look forward to hearing about so many who served him, loved him and lived for him while no one noticed, while no one applauded.


  1. I just hope my story is not boring compared to theirs.

    You always find SO MUCH in a small passage. I love it. Did you have an extra cup of coffee this morning to give you some extra brain power??

  2. Lori,

    How did you guess? Yes, I actually had a whole pot of coffee early this morning....maybe I just need more coffee! Thanks as well for your kind words. The Bible is so amazing. It hints of so much more to be known than we can know now. I love it!

  3. This reminds me of a woman from our church who recently passed away while battling cancer. Our pastor said he went to visit and pray with her almost everyday until she went to be with the Lord. Throughout all their conversations pastor knew little about her life. Not until after her promotion to heaven was it revealed that she had led an interesting life. She had attended Moodey Bible College, had family that lived as missionaries etc.
