Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Take a look....

We were sitting on a park bench enjoying the beautiful day. He was only yards away on the corner soliciting the interest of those who walked by. His sales appeal was simple. As people walked by he would softly call to them, "Take a look..." and then with a flourish of his hand he would point to the booklet in his hand. Each person would hear the same appeal, "Take a look..." but none responded. I watched those walking by. Some would turn their eyes away, others would look down. None responded. None were curious. Everyone walked by without stopping.
I was extremely curious. What was he offering? What was his product? It was all in the brochure, but I didn't want to deal with his sales pitch to find out. What did we all pass up? What did we all miss? Was it a wonderful gift for anyone who would give him their time? I have no idea what he was selling, but his appeal was interesting to me. "Take a look....take a look..." A simple appeal, but most were not the least bit curious.
Could the gospel message be any simpler than this man's appeal? Could it be any easier? "Take a look..." It's the most amazing message and gift of all time, but most pass by. Most look the other way. Most have no idea what this simple invitation offers. "Take a look....eternal life....free for all...take a look."
Some will stop to inquire. Some will be surprised by the amazing offer of life free of charge. Some will look and take the gift. Others will walk by with no idea what they are missing. The gospel is such a simple offer. Such an amazing gift. "Take a look..." What do we miss when we ignore this simple invitation to see what God has provided? It's free. It's eternal. It's amazing....take a look....

1 comment:

  1. Just want to say that I really appreciate your thoughts and stop by looking for them regularly.
