Saturday, May 29, 2010

Risking life for faith

"More than a year after Iranian authorities arrested Maryam Rustampoor and Marzieh Amirizadeh for apostasy—a capital offense in the Islamic nation—an Iranian judge acquitted the Christian women of all charges on Saturday. The judge warned the women not to conduct any further Christian activity in the country.
The pair left Iran after the hearing, bound for an undisclosed location to ensure their safety. The Christians spent 259 days in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison last year, accused of anti-government activity, apostasy, and propagating Christianity. As their health deteriorated in the prison’s grim conditions, court officials exerted intense pressure on the women to recant their faith. Their reply came in an August hearing: “We love Jesus. We will not deny our faith.”" -WORLD Magazine
There are stories daily of Christians martyred for their faith. Here is a story of two women, willing to die for Christ, but graciously delivered. I loved their testimony, “We love Jesus. We will not deny our faith.” I'm sure it has been the testimony of many who have died for Christ, but these two were delivered to tell others about their faith. Pray for those around the world who are risking their lives for faith in Christ. Pray for them and their families as they, like these ladies, tell the world that their faith is worth their life. They believe that faith is Christ is worth any price. I we?

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