Monday, May 03, 2010

On the way home

Sorry for my absence, but my wonderful wife and I took a long weekend and escaped to Seattle. It was a great time to reconnect and rest. More stories later, but I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and much rested. It's great to get away once in a while, but it's even better to come home. We are on our way home now.
Much thanks to Larry and Michelle for making the trip possible!


  1. Hi Mike,
    Did you call your cousin Allyn when you were in Seattle? He might have taken time to try to see you. Steve

  2. It's a fun place to visit. Much different than DFW. Nice to get out of the bubble! Glad you enjoyed. Great place to be with the one you love. Glad you are back.

  3. Steve,

    No, I didn't even know he lived there! Boy do I feel bad! I knew he was in the northwest, but didn't know it was Seattle. Now I really feel bad.

    We do plan to return there soon and will call him on the next trip.

    Thanks for letting me know where he's living. It is a beautiful place!

  4. Glad you got some rest... I know you needed it. Thanks again for lunch and the company the other day. Blessings!
