Monday, May 24, 2010

Finding the way

We are often late to technology. It's not because we avoid it, but we always wait for the next one...for the better one. And a second generation item has a lower price. All that to say we just bought our first GPS for the trip we are on. Most of you have them so I won't go into the workings of it, but what was great for us was to program in a destination and a little voice told us where to go. If we followed her directions, and we did by the way, we arrived at our destination...even though we had never been on this route before.

If you are a visitor here you know what's next, don't you? So, all this made me think. Jesus said, and I'll paraphrase here for my purposes, "I am the true GPS that will get you to the Father. No other GPS knows how to guide you there." It was a bold claim on his part. With millions of GPS units available to purchase an ad for the "Jesus GPS" would claim, "No other GPS can get you there!"

For our trip we put our full faith in a little black box to guide us on an unknown road to our goal. For my eternity I'm trusting in Jesus, who claimed to be the only GPS that knows the way to the Father. So, I'm following his directions on an unknown road and know I will reach my desired destination. My faith in the little GPS got us to our goal. My faith in Jesus will do the same thing.

We all are guided by something, by someone, does the voice you follow know the way?


  1. What an inspiring post. I really enjoyed reading your blog. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Thank you so much, Pastor Messerli.
    Don't feel like you're late in the tech world; I just got my first GPS also! After reading your post, my GPS became an object lesson to me. Each time I look at it, I think of Jesus. Not to mention that It was a gift from my sister, just as Jesus is a Gift from God.

    Pray on, and write on!
