Sunday, April 04, 2010

The purpose of doors revisited

Once in a while there is a post that is visited often by others. The best ones are simple, but connect our minds and hearts with decisions about our faith. This post is from 2006, but has been visited often so I thought I would post it once more. It's an insight into purpose that I need to be reminded of often.
I can't help it...I have to talk about purpose. But not just any old every day purpose. I want to discuss the purpose of doors. This picture brought it to my mind, and got me thinking- what are doors supposed to do? If a door doesn't do what it was meant to do can we still call it a door? If it's not doing what it was designed to do is it fulfilling the purpose of the maker? You see where I'm going already, don't you?
Doors are designed to make it possible for us to enter/exit a building. It's the human portal. It locks out those who are not welcome, and grants entry to those who are. It protects the inhabitants, and is only able to be opened by another. The door has no ability, on it's own, to do what it was meant to do- open and close, but must accomplish it's purpose with the help of someone else.
I'm the same way. I have a purpose- to glorify God, and I can't do it without the help of God. He is the one who must empower me to do what I was designed to do, to be what I was meant to be, to function as designed.
I don't want to end up with a sign on my life- "this life does not glorify God."

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