Friday, April 02, 2010

Man's best and worst day

Today the Christian world remembers good Friday, or should I say horrible Friday. It's the day when Christians remember the death of Jesus on the cross. By far mankind's best and worst day. In this one day Jesus paid the entire debt of sin for mankind. In his death on the cross he once for all solved our problem of separation from God. Sin had taken an ugly toll on the human race and with his sacrifice Jesus resolved the problem of sin for everyone. Once for his death he made one sacrifice for all sin, for all peoples, for all time. It was the best and worst of days for all of us. For any man or woman who will trust Jesus as savior his/her debt will be resolved and they will find eternal life. Some would call this a bloody religion, but in truth the characteristic that defines this faith is not blood but love. It's the love of God that moved him to solve our sin problem by his own sacrifice for us. I am most grateful for his love and provision for me. Today I remember man's best and worst day.

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