Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just thinking....

A few random thoughts on a Wednesday....
-Why do we always have to learn the hard way? I do a lot of counseling and it seems my one "take away" from it all is that we are a stubborn and selfish race...we won't change what we are doing until it hurts! It would be great if I could see some who would say, "you know, I see that doesn't work in other's lives, I bet that won't work in my life either." But no! We each seem to choose the hard way.
-One of the realities of our day is that divorce is pandemic in our culture. More than ever before couples are giving up. Either from an affair, a hard heart or a desire for "happiness" whatever that looks like, I'm seeing far too many people who tell me clearly, we don't believe God, we want to do it our own way....there's that hard way again. I wish some of them would believe me when I tell them it's not worth it.
-"The veneer of maturity"....that's the only way I can describe it. I was talking to a friend at breakfast this morning and we were discussing the fact that none of us are as mature as we think we are. Even after many years of faith I know one old man, my sin nature has not improved one bit. My sinful, fallen heart is still as bad as when I trusted Christ. Over that heart many fabricate a veneer of Christianity. We look good on the outside, but don't look too close. The reality is that apart from Christ in us we are no better than we ever were. Kind of discouraging, isn't it? Thank goodness for Christ in me...the hope I have of glory ahead!
-With other staff members I went to a conference at the local seminary yesterday. The best part of the day was our debrief at a restaurant after it was all over. I really like the people I work with!!!
-I'm working on material for a worldviews class I am teaching for a few weeks. I'm humored how intolerant those who claim tolerance really are. They talk it for sure, but they don't really believe it.
-One thing I've been thinking about is how much I need time for prayer. I think I need it more now than I ever have. I'm not sure what that means, but I am sure hungry for some time with God.
Ok, enough for the moment....have a great day. Off to other conquests!


  1. "...we won't change what we are doing until it hurts!" It seems to me that we frequently are the goat eating garbage, liking it, and going back for more. I've seen many who won't change even when it hurts. Hang in there, brother.

  2. Mike, although your words are not very encouraging they are non the less TRUE. Satan is feasting on the breakup of marriages, children are being sacrificed on the alter of selfishness as the results of divorce. It seems no one knows what love means anymore. Not a pretty picture but a picture of what God dealt when He sent HIS son to "deal with the problem" of lost humanity.
    I truly hope for revival in our culture or Jesus just comes and takes us out of here.
    This world is just not much fun anymore.

  3. When are you teaching this worldview class???

    I was just listening to Pandora (my favorite internet music site) and the words to one of the songs was, "The only thing good in me is Jesus." Amen to that. I think we overestimate our goodness and underestimate our sinful nature.

  4. I started last Sunday with a study of how Paul navigated World Views in Acts 17 on Mars Hill. We get into world views full speed tomorrow. It will be fun. I hope to get into naturalism tomorrow, but not sure how far we will get. It's a great discussion.

  5. Mike, is that during one of the church services? I work tomorrow from 11:30 till 6:30.

  6. It starts at 10:45. You could get in on 1/2 hour before you have to go to work. Sorry, but it would be great to see you.

  7. 1/2 hour would just be too short. And we'll be coming home from California next Sunday (Reagan's Senior Recital). Oh well...
