Tuesday, April 06, 2010

If you could...

A recent movie, The Bucket List, told the story of two men fulfilling last wishes before their deaths. Many have used that movie as inspiration to create their own "bucket lists." It's a topic that comes up often, "what's on your bucket list?" What do you want to do or accomplish before you die? What's on your list? If you could only check off 3 things what would you like to do...if you could? Curious minds want to know....


  1. I know one thing thats not on my list:

    Jumping out of a plane with a man that has tattooed hands and Rastafarian hair holding the rip cord to my parachute!

  2. I would go kite-boarding!
    I would go to Rome!
    I already married Amanda, so I suppose I would just marry her again!
