Monday, April 26, 2010

Fear and Trembling on planet Earth

"Aliens exist and we should avoid them at all costs." -Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking is a highly honored voice in science and probably one of the most brilliant men of our time. His thoughts on this topic were quite a surprise to me. Speculation on other life in the universe is the theme of movies and any discussion on the universe and what may be out there, but I didn't expect Hawking to address it. Of course his comments are based on "the odds" that with all the galaxies, all the stars and all the possible planets there MUST be life out there. The odds say it must be so.
It's interesting because it's such an unknown. How could the universe be so vast and not have other life? How could we be the only life in the universe? If we exist then others must as well, but what if all of this exists just for us? Unbelievable, isn't it? Arrogant perhaps? Not at all. The Bible describes the universe as God's evidence that he exists. Can you imagine any louder voice, any clearer picture than the vast universe we are still discovering that God exists, is omnipotent and is sovereign? The universe shouts to every man this clear message- SOMEONE MADE THIS! It didn't just happen, it was made and it was made by a wonderful designer.
Aliens? There may be others in the universe, we don't know, we may never know. It's quite amazing that Hawking is so clear on the reality of aliens, but denies the obvious signs that God is there. Aliens? Maybe. God? Definitely!
May I rewrite Hawking's words?
"God exist and we should seek to know him at all costs!"

1 comment:

  1. I love the "open minded" scientist, they are open to any idea that does not include God.
