Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quote of the day

"How have we convinced ourselves that every view has to count?" -Sam Harris, atheist, in a speech on the topic of morality

1 comment:

  1. Let me put my first response in comments. That will let the quote stand on its own. Sam's talk was on morality. He was attempting to define and defend morality apart from God. He is a brilliant speaker, no doubt about that, but he failed in his talk to give a rational way of defining morality apart from God. I loved this statement though. It made me think, "yes, why do we consider other views we know are wrong as valid?" I think it's due to the political correctness of the day. Every view is to be tolerated, and so we must allow for them all. But that's not true. It's quite right to say to differing views that we disagree and why. Great words come from interesting places sometimes, don't they?
