Monday, March 22, 2010

Quote of the day

Key House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along" ...
I don't usually deal with politics here, but I was so amazed at this comment made before cameras by one of our representatives that I had to comment on it. Clearly, this statement communicates to all of us that the Constitution we thought we lived by is no longer the rule of law in our land. If this is the first light of a new day be ready for everything to change.


  1. That is one sad commentary on the state of our great nation and a sad day for those who have given their lives so that individual could have the freedom to express that laissez faire viewpoint.

    Sad indeed.

  2. Surely taken out of context. Surely meant to be sarcastic. SURELY!

  3. No, sadly, this is not out of context. I watched the video on C-Span myself to be sure. It was said with a straight face, without any thought of what the implications are. I wish it was sarcastic, but sadly not.
