Friday, March 26, 2010

New to me....

I love music....all kinds. If you saw what I have on my I-pod you would wonder about my tastes. I listen to Christian, classical, pop, jazz, world music, acoustic, vocals, and a host of other formats. I like to discover new music that's unique and different. Two friends have recommended groups to me that I am really enjoying. They are completely different, but both very good. Here they are:

Big Daddy Weave is a group that Larry told me about. Larry and his wife are old friends with the members of the group. I have heard of them, but never paid much attention to their music. They are really good. Great vocals, great lyrics and very inspiring. In fact, I went to the I-tunes store and got a couple of their albums. Very good.
The second group is one that Mike recommended on his blog- Archeology. It is very different. I would describe them as a rock choir with a guitar and drum. The group and the music is really good, but very different. I'm not even sure I could explain it just have to hear them. I think you would like this group.

1 comment:

  1. Big Daddy Weave...Good stuff...seen them play live last year at a free concert here in Iowa.
