Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Living under a cloud

There was an old man who was known for always saying something nice about everyone. His dear wife was quite the opposite and had perfected the art of gossip and criticism. His eternal optimism had bothered her for years, but nothing would get him down. Finally, in utter frustration, she told him, "You never say anything bad about anyone! What's wrong with you? Don't you see the way people really are? Don't you see how horrible things are? I am sick of your optimism! I bet you can't say something nice about the devil!" Her sweet, mellow husband thought for a moment and replied, "Well, at least he's persistent." And with that he smiled and went back to what he had been doing.
This cute little story has been one I have thought about often. For both of these people their view of the world was, at some point in their lives, a decision. From that decision habits formed and a lifelong way of looking at the world had developed. I see that in the lives of people I talk to. Some never see the sun. They refuse to be encouraged no matter what you say. Like this man's wife they would say, "Well, it might be "ok" now, but something is sure to go wrong!" They are the Chicken Little's of the world. For them the sky is always falling...or about to. They constantly will respond to encouragement with these gloomy words, "Yeah, but...." and insist that the clouds will never clear in their lives. If the sun does come out they would tell you that it's much too bright.
And then, lingering around us in much fewer numbers, are those who look up and see God working in everything. They really believe he's involved in their lives and in this world. They expect miracles at any moment. In spite of dire circumstances in their lives they are constantly looking up with a smile and respond to your negative words with the very heart of who they are, "Well, you never know what God will do." We are all drawn to these people. They encourage, pray for and love you even in the midst of their own difficult days.
Both of these lifestyles are a choice. A choice we make every moment. Do you see the clouds overhead as a threat of a flood or the promise of God's provision for the flowers in your garden? Do you see your lack as God's judgment or an opportunity to see him work? Who is running the universe you live in? We will often find the clouds overhead. Difficult days around us. Illness looming. Finances hurting....but through it all who is in charge of your universe? If God really is good. If he really does care about you. If he has a wonderful plan.....will you live and talk like these things are true or not? What you say and how you live tells everyone around you a lot about your theology. What are you telling them about the God you say you trust?
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


  1. Amen, Brother. I love this blog!

  2. Are you talking about me????

    Guilty. Very guilty. Ugh.

    But God isn't finished with me yet and I am trying to stay close to Him on this long journey. And I do see the blessings most days.

    AND the Word of God is very good about helping me with a "course correction". Ouch.

  3. Sweet Lori,

    I thought of you, but I also thought of a hundred others...including ME! I easily get under the cloud and have a hard time enjoying and celebrating the sunshine.
