Friday, February 12, 2010

A lifetime in a paragraph

We met in November at church.
Whirlwind courtship.
Married in February.
A new wife and pastorate in less than a year.
A wonderful son.
Life moving quickly.
Another church.
Now a beautiful daughter.
The struggles of life.
Friends, work, bills....
A break from the ministry.
Kids growing quickly.
A move to Texas.
Kids married.
Grand babies arrive.
Empty nest.
36 years together.
How did it all happen so quickly?
And where did all my hair go?
Joye and I were talking about our lives together. It has felt like a roller coaster ride. A lot of excitement, some quick turns, unexpected bumps and before you know it the ride is almost over. Now, I hope we make it to 50 years together, but we have both been surprised as how quickly these years have passed. As I think back on life I have a lot of joys to remember, but also a lot of regrets. I wish I could have.....or I wish I would have done certain things differently, but life is lived in real time. We don't get to take a break and evaluate what would be the best choice. Often our decisions are made on the run as life happens. Through it all God has cared for us, led us and provided. I think, as I get older, I'm becoming more nostalgic. Maybe old age happening early, but it doesn't take long to use up 70 years. Before you know it life has passed. Celebrate your today's. They pass far too least mine have.

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