Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What to do about Haiti?

The news media worldwide is focused on the horrible tragedy that has happened in Haiti. The number of those dead is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. There is no place I have ever been that is less able to handle this tragedy than Haiti. The country was broken before this tragedy, but now it's completely destroyed. So what can we do? First, pray for the people of Haiti. I can't imagine how desperate they feel as they see their country completely destroyed. Second, help them. Look for a good charity that is heading for Haiti and help them care for the people of Haiti. The governments of the world will be sending help, but each of us can do something and I encourage you to look for a way to help in your own way. There are some wonderful people in Haiti. Many of the people I have met there are dear friends. The people of Haiti have very little and yet find joy in their lives. Pray for them and help them if you can.


  1. I'm definitely praying!!! I sponser a child in Haiti and pray she and her family is ok. The only thing I know is she is from the village of Ganthier.

  2. I'm praying too and have donated at Pwoje Espwa - Hope in Haiti and will donate with CBN

  3. I really hope that we can find a way to alleviate the suffering there. With that said, I confess that some of the media reaction to the tragedy makes me angry. Pundits who use it as an excuse to rail on about political or religious ideology (and this DOES NOT include you or your readers, Mike) really need to stop talking. Immediately.

  4. Whateverman,

    I agree completely! Some of the comments I have heard have made me angry as well. Shame on them for some of their comments. They need to get on a plane, go to Haiti and grab a shovel. That will do a lot more good than their silly comments!
