Saturday, January 09, 2010

Thoughts on the quote of the day

I've been thinking about the quote of the day from a couple days ago. I was humored by this very honest admission,

"We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns." -Richard Fisher, the director of NASA's Heliophysics Division.

There are two things about this admission that made me think. First, there is a real belief in science that they DO know everything. What amazes me about this belief is that it's sincere. They really believe they know everything! Or, if they don't yet they will soon. That is why the scientist and the atheist are so antagonistic to the Christian world view. They "know" we are wrong and so must be treated as children and taught the truth they "know." Everything would be OK if we would just learn from them because they "know."

But fascinating to me is the second part of his statement, this honest admission by Mr. Fisher that some unknown unknowns have popped up. Things they didn't know that they didn't know. Amazing, isn't it? Now, I'm not that smart, but I know that I don't know everything. I know that there is much I still have to learn. I'm smart enough to know that there is much I don't know. How could brilliant men not know that same thing?

And so we come to a few thoughts from my feeble little mind. A few questions really. Is it possible we don't know everything? The answer is an emphatic YES. And, is it possible that there are many unknown unknowns? Again, the answer has to be YES. Now, by Mr. Fisher's admission, science has come to the same conclusion. Now, let me add one more....just to make this interesting. Is it possible that one of the unknowns we don't know about is God himself? Once more the answer has to be YES.

The Christian does not claim this knowledge of God with any arrogance. All that we know about him came from him. He told us about himself. It's a knowledge that can't be gained by the scientific method. The Christian is simply saying to the world that one of the unknowns can be known because God made himself known to us. He has revealed himself...made himself known through becoming a man. One of the great unknowns was made known to us in Jesus Christ.

I appreciate Mr. Fisher's honesty. He has admitted what many in the scientific world will not. He has admitted we don't know everything. Well, IT'S ABOUT TIME! Now that the ugly truth is out in the open can we also admit that maybe a sovereign, omnipotent God is there and willing to make himself known to us if we will allow him to do so? The bible is about one of the great unknown's the answer to our need to know about God. I wonder....when you finally realize you don't know everything is there room in that unknowing for God? For the atheist who says flatly, "There is no God!" I would do you know that for sure? Is there room for him in all the things you don't know yet?



  1. A truism...Whats good for the goose is good for the gander here. Scientists know a lot about science, but they dont know everything about it. Pastors know a lot about faith, but they dont know everything about it. Regardless of whether your a scientist or a pastor, you should always have a mind of humility, realizing you dont have all the answers and your just doing gthe best with what you have been given. Having this attitude will keep the mystery of God in proper focus and keep us from condeming those who see things we dont.

  2. Anonymous,

    Great post, well thought out and well written and I agree completely! If we would all admit that there's much we don't know we would be in a much better place for dialogue with one another. thanks for your thoughts.

  3. I totally agree, thanks. I wasnt bashing pastors by the way, anyone can be plugged into that statement. The key is realizing our human limitations and approaching each other with mutual respect and humility. Too often people think they know it all and are just talking AT poeple instead of discussing WITH them in open-mindedness. Humility of mind changes the entire dynamic and allows both parties to possibly learn something new and grow.

