Monday, January 25, 2010

Providing provisions

Romans 13:14 (NASB)
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.
I read this verse last week and have been thinking about just one word in this short verse. It's the word provision. I'll come back to that in a moment.
One of the things I like about Paul's writings is the way he clearly gives us direction- Do this, but don't do that. It's a clarity that a simple mind like mine needs. I need someone to help me with the do's and don'ts of the Christian life. This short verse is potentially life changing if we would really act on it. He begins with this strange wording, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ." It's as if you were dressing for the day. Put on this person...become them....dress up to be Jesus walking around in the real world. I know Paul wouldn't tell us to do something that isn't possible, so the believer can put on Christ, allow him to lead, be Lord and rule as I start my day, and that decision of dress will impact other decisions....especially the next one in this passage.
"And make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." The "do" is put on Christ. The "don't" is don't provision the lusts of the flesh. If you have ever gone on a camping trip this word provision is clearly understood. You go to the store and buy all the provisions you will need to survive your week in the woods. You provision yourself for the trip. It's the stuff that keeps us alive. What Paul is saying is this- Don't buy food to feed your lusts. Don't provision your lusts.
DO put on Christ, DON'T feed your lusts. Now, if you don't feed them there will be some hunger pangs that will make themselves known. You will clearly hear the hunger rumbles of your lusts as you deny them food, but one thing I can tell you from my life and from talking to others, is that if you starve your lusts long enough they will die. It's part of our Christian growth that must be done intentionally. We have to decide what we will wear- our old flesh or Christ. And, we have to decide what we will feed- our new man (Romans 12:1-2) or our lusts. What you provision will thrive and take over. What you starve will wither and die. This is Paul's invitation to living intentionally. It's got me thinking about what I feed and nurture. What part of your life are you buying provisions for?

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