Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The only way to stand

I don't know how this keeps happening, but again this morning another verse showed up in my Bible that wasn't there last time I read this passage. I realize that I'm often blind to certain passages until the time I need them and then, suddenly, they appear as if for the first time. Here is one of them,
Isaiah 7:9b ".....If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all."
Now, how is it that I missed this? But as I read it this morning I caught myself...."What did that just say?" Again I read it. Clearly, God is telling him people there is only one way to stand. Unless we "stand firm in our faith" we will not stand at all. Amazing statement, isn't it? What is this phrase talking about? It's clearly not a statement elevating faith. It's an invitation to put your full weight and faith in God. Unless you trust God in these days you will not be able to stand and withstand the winds and storms of the days we are living in. I know some would put the focus on faith here, but that's not the author's intent. He intends that God be the focus. He's clearly warning them that if they don't firmly trust God through the days they live in there is no other place you can stand, no other one you can depend on. It's God or nothing. Stand trusting him or fall completely. It is, according to God, the only way to stand. It's the only place that anyone can stand. I wonder if we can apply this to our lives today? ...

1 comment:

  1. God is really revealing alot to you these day! What a blessing! You're excited about it aren't you?
