Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday's cartoon

Knowing the Lord for a number of years now has made me ever so grateful for the forgiveness I received on that evening of December 8th many years ago. On that evening, at 9:08pm, I trusted Christ as my savior. I remember the time and date because the dear pastor who prayed with me wrote it on the back of a little card. I kept that card for many years. Now, I have to tell you that I had no idea of all that happened in that moment. In one moment of time all my sins past, present and future were forgiven. There is no more sacrifice for my sins. They have been dealt with completely. Now, I live a life as a son of God walking in his grace. I still sin. But now my prayer is not for forgiveness but it's a prayer of celebration. It's a prayer of gratitude, "Father, here's another reason I needed a savior. Thank you that you already forgave me for this sin. I'm sorry for my sin, but ever so grateful for your forgiveness. Give me your strength and help to grow beyond these sins and walk in fellowship with you. Thank you for your grace that gives me the ability to live as you intended me to live. Thank you." Being forgiven ONCE FOR ALL is a wonderful thing.


  1. I'm moved to tears as I remember my own miracle of salvation on the night of Feb. 4th not too long ago. I'm moved by the grace, mercy and love of Jesus. It always moves me when I remember my sins have been dealt with, past, present and future. Hallelujah!!!

    When I read "I still sin. But now my prayer is not for forgiveness but it's a prayer of celebration." It put me in a state of worship. How great is our God to wipe our stains away and give us something to rejoice for always even when I find myself in sin.

  2. How about science cartoons?

    There are many good ones on Vadlo search engine

  3. rachel,

    thank you! new, fresh and good cartoons are really hard to find. thank you.
