Thursday, January 21, 2010

The big lie

I watched the beginning of a video a few weeks ago that is haunting. I couldn't watch it all. I didn't want to see the end. It was the video of a young lady committing suicide. Someone had filmed it. The beginning of the video was heartbreaking as she just stood there...on the edge of this tall building looking down. I stopped the video before she moved a muscle. The title told me all I needed to know. I can't imagine the thoughts of someone as they make this kind of life ending decision. It's a tragic event in the life of someone God has made. It's a horrible end of the life of someone dear to God. I just couldn't watch the point of decision...the point where she leans forward and moves beyond her ability to make any other decision. The rest is inevitable.
It made me think about something that I have been dwelling on for a long time. It's what I call the big lie. It's a lie that started many centuries ago, but continues to be believed even today. Here's the lie- I can find happiness disobeying God. It's a lie that we have believed to our own fall for centuries. At first, you have a sense that all is well. You might find pleasure for a moment, a little excitement, maybe a thrill; but there will be a moment when you move past your ability to make any further choices and you begin to fall. The outcome is unavoidable. It will happen every time and yet I hear over and over again, as people tell me they want to make a choice that is clearly sin in scripture, "I just want to be happy..." My response is the same each time. It's a response I have repeated to those on "the edge of their building" over and over again...."You will never find happiness disobeying God." But what I know is that most people don't believe me and so they go on that horrible quest that starts with the decision to jump and always ends in death.
Here's how the book of James describes it,
James 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Look at the way James describes this- conception, birth, full growth and then death. From conception to birth there is a time of growth. The baby is growing in the mother's womb. For a few months it looks like there were no results from the intimate act that had in fact conceived a new baby, but soon the action begins to show....soon there's a birth, then growth and finally death. This is the perfect description of disobedience to God. For a moment there is pleasure, no one disputes that, but there will be a birth coming. There will be results from sin, it will come to light, it will grow up and ultimately there will be a death because of the choice. Sin has a price and it's high!
I've seen this so many times in my role as a pastor I could almost predict the outcome when a person decides that it is "ok" to disobey God because...."don't you know....I just want to be happy." There are a hundred stories I could tell. They all end the same. The big lie has not changed in centuries, nor have the results. Don't believe the culture when they tell you that it's ok, because God would surely want you happy. I must tell you that God is more interested in your obedience than he is in your happiness. If you do things God's way happiness will be one of the results. If you do things your way happiness will always elude you will never find happiness disobeying God.


  1. This is something that I've been noticing in my walk with the Lord. My happiness or unhappiness has everything to do with my knowing, love, and obedience in God.

  2. We have this Bible that is called the Jesus Story Book Bible which takes things from Genesis to Revelation and tells it all in story form. We have read it through a few times to our son and he just eats it up...and now he knows the Bible via story. It's amazing.

    In the Garden, the serpent convinces Eve of "The Big Lie" which is that God doesn't really love you. And the rest of the story is the consequences of that lie and what God does about it. I think that lie is the root. If people reapply believed that God loved them everything would change.

    Great post, Mike. I'm glad you didn't watch the whole video.

  3. It's at times such as these when I wonder what it would be like NOT to have free will--that God makes us to do His will without our imput and choice.
