Monday, January 04, 2010

Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011

It's funny, but in spite of the clear instructions from Jesus in the gospels men still try to set dates. You would think that after so many dates being set and then time continuing on we would learn, but apparently we haven't. Just in case you wanted to know here's one more date for your calendar. On May 22nd next year I'll post a few thoughts on this....and no, I won't miss the rapture.
Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011
Justin Berton, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, January 1, 2010
Harold Camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012.
"That date has not one stitch of biblical authority," Camping says from the Oakland office where he runs Family Radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world. "It's like a fairy tale."
The real date for the end of times, he says, is in 2011.
The Mayans and the recent Hollywood movie "2012" have put the apocalypse in the popular mind this year, but Camping has been at this business for a long time. And while Armageddon is pop science or big-screen entertainment to many, Camping has followers from the Bay Area to China.
Camping, 88, has scrutinized the Bible for almost 70 years and says he has developed a mathematical system to interpret prophecies hidden within the Good Book. One night a few years ago, Camping, a civil engineer by trade, crunched the numbers and was stunned at what he'd found: The world will end May 21, 2011.
This is not the first time Camping has made a bold prediction about Judgment Day.
On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's believers gathered inside Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. Followers dressed children in their Sunday best and held Bibles open-faced toward heaven.
But the world did not end. Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error.
(read more...)


  1. "Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error"

    See, God doesn't make errors. Of any kind. Ever. This is why I trust in Him, and not scholars of whatever breed.

  2. It amazes me that people would even listen to a guy like this - our ability to be deceived is remarkable

    Liek your blog!
