Friday, December 11, 2009

Where are you?

I've been thinking about a passage of scripture that has been in my thoughts for a number of months. It's been rattling around in my head because of the ongoing nature of the question by the first one to ever ask it.
This question, "where are you?" was the first question ever asked. It was God's question to Adam as he looked for him in the garden. For an omniscient God it seems like a silly question, but the question wasn't so much for God's information as it was for Adam. "Where are you?" is a question God has asked man since he asked it the first time. For Adam the answer was an interesting one. For Adam, the first man, his response created 3 new things that never existed before. Adam replied,"I heard you in the garden and I as afraid (1. a new emotion) because I was naked (2. a new awareness). And I hid" (3. a new relationship). And since these 3 new "inventions" we have dealt with fear, our nakedness before God and we have been hiding from him ever since.
From that first dreadful day God has been on a quest for man. He continues to come to each heart and life to ask, "where are you?" You see, God is on a quest to find his men and women. A quest to once more have a relationship with us. He is roaming the world asking those who will listen, "where are you?" Do you live in fear? Are you dealing with the embarrassment of what you have done? Is the raw nakedness of your life and your actions causing you to run from God who sees everything? Have you been trying to hide from him?
God's chasing hard after us, not to punish, but to have a relationship with us. He wants to recapture the relationship he meant for man to have with him when he created us. When you hear that question in the whispers of your day, "where are you?" know that God is looking for you. He wants you to know him and know his love. He wants to give you all that he meant for you to enjoy in relationship with him. Don't let your fears overwhelm you. Don't worry that God know about all that you have done. Don't hide from him. Run to him. There are open arms waiting to have a relationship with you. He loves you.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I've noticed your posts are indicating you have been thinking, studying, reading, praying, working a lot lately. I am a beneficiary of these efforts. God has gifted you with a concise, effective ability to communicate a profound thought. Thanks for sharing it with us. Praise God He is still working on/transforming us. I know it takes time and effort. Reading your posts often slows me down and reminds me what is most important in my day. Keep up the good work!
