Wednesday, December 09, 2009

What will you risk?

I've been thinking....

I've been thinking about my own faith and relationship with God. I'm thinking about this one question- What will I risk to know God? What will I risk to gain this relationship with the living God? What will I give up to have HIM? It is a risk. I risk the loss of everything, even my life in some parts of the world, to know him. I risk losing friends, reputation and position. It's a risk to follow God.

I still remember the story of a man sharing the gospel with a young man. He finally asked, "Is there any reason you wouldn't want to trust Christ right now as your savior?" The young man said, "No, I think I would like to do that." The pastor said, "Well, before you do let me give you some reasons you shouldn't...." We are often much too quick to lead someone to faith without telling them the price. The price is will cost you everything. It will cost your very life...all that you have and all you are, but the reward...WOW! There is no reward like knowing God. Salvation now and forever. Forgiveness of sin forever. LIFE! Peace. Hope. Joy. A family like no other. A FATHER, the very one who created us, available to listen whenever we call....and a thousand other things that have filled volumes of books beyond number.

What would you risk for that? Everything!

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