Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The undiscovered gift

Early this week I sent a gift to a friend in another part of the world. The only way to get it there is by Western Union. The gift for my friend has been waiting for days, but he doesn't know it's there because he hasn't checked his e-mail to discover I sent it. I long for him to read his e-mail to discover the awaiting gift. But Christmas is almost here and I've heard nothing from him. I fear he will miss the gift....I don't want my friend to think I don't care...that I didn't think of him. I want him to know his gift awaits.

I this how God feels about us? He's sent the gift, but many have not read the announcement that the gift has arrived. It's sitting there, waiting for their discovery. Imagine how God must feel to hear so many say, "God doesn't care. He doesn't love me." When all along the gift awaits their discovery. All they have to do is know that it has arrived and receive it. Christmas is that gift. God's gift of his son is that undiscovered gift. As you celebrate your own discovery of this wonderful gift take a moment and pray for others who have not yet discovered the arrival of God's amazing gift. I wish they knew the gift is theirs and it simply waits for their unwrapping.

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