Monday, December 07, 2009

A special need

I've been thinking about this for a while without an easy solution so I thought I would throw it out for your thoughts and prayers. I have a pastor friend in Kenya who has asked me to pray for the money for him to get a digital camera. It's a simple way for him to earn some extra money taking photos of those who need them for documents, licenses, etc. I've thought about this, but have not come up with an easy solution to his need, but then I many of us have several digital cameras? How many have upgraded to a better camera, but still have an older one that works well, but isn't needed any more? If you have an extra camera (battery operated is preferred) that you are not using and would give to a pastor in Kenya would you let me know? I know God will provide for Winston, one way or the other, so I thought I would invite you to be part of this provision.


  1. I have one for you. I will drop it off at the church!


  2. SM,

    thanks. And thanks to all of you who e-mailed me and responded. We have the need met and I appreciate you all for your kind offers.
