Friday, December 04, 2009

A simple question

As I'm reading this morning once again I come upon a verse that wasn't there last time I read this book. This book, the Bible, continues to amaze me with its revelations. I simply am unable to understand how something I have read hundreds of times continues to reveal new things to me, but it does!

This morning, as I'm reading, I read this verse,

Eph. 5:10 ...try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.

That's the entire verse! In the middle of some of the most amazing theology in the Bible this little verse hides as the ultimate goal of every believer. Most Christians I know would tell me that one of their goals in life is to be happy. I have never heard anyone say, "My goal in life is for God to be happy, to be pleased with my life." Imagine how my life would change if the first question I ask before any decision is, "I wonder what would please God?" How many choices would be different with that simple question as my first filter for any choice I make?


  1. There's a similar verse in Colossians.

    Do we want to be "happy" because we are selfish and self-centered? I know that much of my frustration comes out of wanting to be happy (whatever that means). I know that it's not "Scriptural" per se. Maybe just human... Wonder how being happy looks in other cultures that don't have as much as we do here in America?

  2. Hi, Mike! I believe that as we read the Bible, God illuminates the things He wants us to see based on our level of maturity and His understanding of us! I would read and read and read right over that verse! I'm not ready maybe. You read that verse and deep understanding grabs ahold of you! What a blessing that if we continue with God and His Word, we will keep receiving these revelations and the glory of them!! Amen!
