Tuesday, December 22, 2009

People who matter

Time magazine has its "person of the year" article online. This year you can vote on which person is most important. It's their list of "people who matter." People who matter...the title caught my attention and I was surprised who they nominated for their list. Many of the people on their list don't matter to me at all! I wonder who puts this list together? Often the people who matter most in our lives would never make any list because of their popularity. People who really matter in our lives are not in a popularity contest...they are people who care about us. Your list will be different than mine, but the people who won't be on my list are the very ones who are on Time magazine's list. Funny, isn't it....people who matter depends on what really matters most. So, if you were to list three people who matter most to you who would they be?

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