Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end of a year

Today is the last day of 2009. Imagine, another year gone already. With the end of anything there is always a little reflection on what is finally passing away. It comes to my mind that in any year I have lived there are a host of boring normal days that are just part of living, but there are also the highs and lows of a year that will come to mind as we think back. In this post I won't go into the lows. Those are for me and God to talk about. There's enough bad news in the world and you don't need to hear about mine too. So let me simply take a moment to talk about one of the highs of the year. In late June my wife and I, along with an amazing team, went to Kenya to teach a group of pastors and their wives. It was a great 10 days together. Time to meet new friends, to get to know the team we went with and to experience Africa. It will be one of the highs of my life. I can see why people go back to Africa. The people are wonderful! The experience was life changing for me and I look forward to a day when I can return and spend time with my new friends in Kenya.
There are many times like this in our lives. Times we remember fondly. The life changing events stick out in our remembrance, but there are little highs all through the year that will change us and mold us as well. The last two years have been difficult for me in one way- In February 2008 I fell and crushed my heel. Since that accident I have lived with constant pain in my foot. A little high for me has been that in the last 2 weeks it has not hurt. I'm glad to finally be able to walk without constant pain. Thankful for little things...little blessings...yes! God is so good. Even with the tragedies of life, the problems and challenges we face, God blesses us and encourages us for the new year ahead. I look forward to see what God will do in 2010. It's not a time for fear. Jesus told us not to be afraid of the days ahead, but to trust him. I look forward to seeing what God does as we serve him in these last days.

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