Saturday, December 19, 2009


Christmas is just a few days away. I know it's probably not when Jesus was born, but it is a time we have remembered it for centuries. Gradually, in our country, the real meaning of Christmas and the birth of Christ is being forced out of the discussion. Some are wanting a "non-religious" Christmas. That idea is such an oxymoron....Christmas IS a religious holiday. It's a day we remember the entrance of God into our world to solve our problem of sin. The birth of Jesus those many centuries ago in a backwater town in Israel has changed history forever. There is no other person, no other life that has made such an impact on the world as the life of Jesus. Why? Because, as one small child said, "Because he's God!" But it's so much more. The birth of Jesus is the clear demonstration of how much God loves us. That everlasting, never quenching bottomless love of God that will move him to become a man himself to save us from an eternity apart from him. Christmas is about God's love. It's a reminder that God's not mad at us, he loves us so much that he sent his son to give us life. Enjoy Christmas this year and's proof that God loves you.

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