Saturday, December 19, 2009

An amazing promise, part 1

There's an amazing promise in the book of Isaiah. It was written centuries before Jesus was born, but its promise is almost beyond our imaginations. In the days leading to Christmas I would like to talk about these two short verses. This is part one. I'll add the rest of the verses, line by line, as we move towards Christmas.
Isaiah 9:6-7
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
In the first two lines of these verses is a unique revelation. A child is born...this one we are discussing is a human being...part of mankind. Whoever the author is talking about has joined us in our struggles as a human child. He really existed, really lived and went through all we go through living in this broken world. A child is born, but there is more....a son is given. These two simple phrases speak of a child born, but it also speaks about a son who was a son before he was born. This verse hints at eternity in this son...the very child who was born for us. Eternity and humanity meeting in this one little child. Christmas, the birth of this child, is the ultimate revelation of God's love to us. What a wonderful God.

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