Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Amazing moments

In our staff meeting yesterday we read the story of the dedication of Jesus from Luke 2. It's an amazing story of a moment in time. While the world around them were oblivious to this most amazing moment, these four people celebrated one of the greatest events of humanity, the only begotten Son of God being dedicated to God as the first born son of Mary and Joseph.
I encourage you to read the story when you have time, but briefly here is what I discovered in these wee hours of the morning as I thought about the passage- All four of these people, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna, were all part of God's amazing plan. Mary and Joseph were obedient to obey all the law required in dedicating Jesus to the Lord. Simeon was waiting for the Messiah to appear. Anna was worshipping God and serving him.
While the world around them went on with their lives, in this brief moment in time we see a most amazing celebration of God's promise and provision. As God's son is dedicated to him as the first born son these four celebrate this most amazing moment with worship and praise. Here, at the epicenter of man's redemption only these four are aware of this amazing event while around them all goes on as it normally would. Isn't it like God to do amazing things in our midst while the world around us misses the events of eternity entirely? For these four, Mary and Joseph obeying God...Simeon waiting for God and Anna worshipping God...this moment was a moment that changed the world and no one else noticed. Jewish priests all around, worshippers coming to the temple, others praying....and not one noticed that God had passed the arms of Mary. They were all busy serving God, but didn't recognize him when he passed by. But four people knew. They were waiting, worshipping, obedient...and they saw what everyone else missed....God in their midst.

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