Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wonderful surprises

Looking back over the few years of my life so far I see God's fingerprints all over the place. He has put his hand on my life in a thousand different ways. I know he has done that same thing in your life as well. Most of us simply don't see what he's doing at the time we are going through it, but day....we see it.
For me, this day 36 years ago was a Sunday morning at church as we prepared for the services of the day. I was working with a friend of mine pastoring a little church in Arkansas that had suddenly began to grow very quickly. He had called me two months earlier and asked me to come and help him. I was about to have my life changed that morning in 1973. In a series of amazing little miracles God had led me to this place and this time for one meet my wife. He had led her there as well and that morning in church I met this beautiful young lady named Joye. I didn't know it then, but my life would never be the same again.
So, today I'm celebrating one of God's wonderful surprises- the day I met my sweet wife. Thank you, Lord, for working all things for our good and for your glory! And, now, after all these years most people know me as "Joye's husband." Isn't that great?

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