Saturday, November 14, 2009

Then they will know...

I'm reading through the book of Ezekiel right now. It's a long and often difficult book to read. It was written while Ezekiel was in captivity. It was written to those in captivity to warn them, to direct them and to encourage them.
One thing I have noticed as I read the bible is that there is often a repeated word or phrase that is meant to capture your attention and is the theme of a book. In the book of Ezekiel this is visibly true. The phrase that appears in this book more than 60 times is, "Then they will know that I am the Lord."
Even in captivity, even in a time of punishment for their idolatry, even when God seemed distant to them he was working that they might know him and know that he is God. He's working on that now as well. His desire is that each of us know, really know, that he is God and that there is no other. For the Jewish people listening to Ezekiel this brought guilt over their sin that caused their captivity and hope that God would forgive them and once more make himself real to them.
The great passion of God is that we know him. Those in the world want nothing to do with God, but talk to one of his children and you will hear them say, "I want to know God, really know him!" Our desires line up with God's when we want, more than anything else, to know him. It's a clear sign in our lives that we are on the right track when we want, more than anything else, to know HIM. It's a desire he will honor. It's a knowing we can experience. It's the cry of the prophets, "Seek the Lord!" (Amos), and the kings, "Seek my face, says the Lord" (David.) God wants us to know him. God wants us to know that he is Lord. When knowing him is our #1 passion then everything else will fall into its proper place in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think may people believe that what you just said is true. When Jesus said, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness [and by implication, God Himself] and all these things will be added to you", He wasn't kidding. The Bible is replete with calls for us to seek God. And His response is always to draw near to those who draw near to Him. When we seek Him, He responds! It's almost unbelievable!

    But it's true. It's so very true. Oh that more would believe and act on that belief!
