Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today is Veteran's day in our country. It's the day when we celebrate and say thank you to all those who have served and protected us. So, if you have served in the military in any way, thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I'm also thankful this morning because I've arrived at another milestone in life. Today is my birthday....59 years old. It's strange to write that down. It really sounds old, doesn't it? But I must tell you that my mind still feels 20. I just wish my old body would agree. So, as Paul writes in Philippians, To live is Christ and to die is gain. I understand more clearly the impact of those words and am beginning to claim them as my own.

I am most thankful that I live in this time, this place and am part of God's work in the world. What an amazing time to live. I can't wait to see what the year ahead brings. Thanks, Lord, for your great mercy and kindness you have given to us who know you. Thank you.


  1. I praise God for you, dear brother Mike! Had you not been born my walk with Christ would not be what it is today. Thank you for being born! And for being faithful.

    Have some REALLY good coffee today and eat something just because it tastes good.

  2. Hey Mike, Happy Birthday!!! I knew it was coming soon but could not remember the exact day. 59 is not so bad. From Gilbert in the great state of Iowa. Your cousin, Steve

  3. Happy Birthday!!! And may you have many more...

    Joe Martin

  4. STEVE! Great to hear from you. Thanks for the note. I am so glad to hear from you. How's the Iowa bunch doing?

  5. Mike,
    We are doing awesome. Love reading your blog. Keep it up!!! I am still at IDOT. Mary is at ISU. Michelle is a soph at ISU and RJ is a junior at Gilbert High. I have told others about your blog. You are doing a great job. Love you, Steve
