Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful, day 6

Day 6 in my personal project of thanks. It's been interesting to me as I have thought about what I want to say. These exercises have actually built my faith as I've thought about what I'm thankful for. It's been a fun project.
Today, I'm working on a theory. It's based on something I'm thankful for. Here's my theory- I believe that the ability to taste is proof that we are created by a loving God. Sounds strange, doesn't it? But bear with me for a moment. Evolution speaks to a gradual evolving of life to the point we are now. Each "evolutionary stage," whether by accident or need, moved creatures forward to what we are today (a very simplistic overview of evolution, I know.) The one thing that is completely unnecessary for us to exist and survive is taste. The ability to taste things is an extra, a blessing that has nothing to do with survival, but I am so glad we are able to taste...it makes food so much more enjoyable to eat. It turns eating for survival into eating for pleasure. Why do we have taste buds? Why are we able to taste flavors? Sweet and salty? Bitter or savory? All of this tasting thing is completely unnecessary to survival itself, but is a wonderful blessing to us. I believe the ability to taste is proof that we are created by a loving creator who not only wanted us to survive, but wanted us to enjoy it as well. So, today I'm thankful for taste. The ability to taste sweet and sour, bitter and salty, and a thousand other flavors that make the necessary job of eating such a treat. I'm thankful for taste and God' s great creative nature that would give us this amazing gift to enjoy and remind us of his love for us. AND, it will come in mighty handy on Thanksgiving day!
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. Evolutionary biologists would say that at our ability to taste at least bitter substances keeps us from eating many poisonous things. But if that's the case, our bitter taste buds would have evolved at the front of our tongue instead of the back, where they are, so that we could taste bitter things before we swallowed them.

    The coolest thing is how our taste buds work in concert with one another and with our Olfactory system to give us the amazing ability to enjoy food at the level we do. It's wonderful!

    And something we will most likely overuse this fine week.
