Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thankful, day 4

This is day 4 in my week long project of thanksgiving. It's amazing how much I have to thank God, provision, family, his love, direction, compassion, patience....I need that one a lot! But today I want to thank the Lord for forgiveness. I am constantly failing, sinning, saying the wrong thing, thinking the wrong thing, not forgiving others, mad about this, prideful about that, selfish, fearful, irritated at someone....well I could go on, but I think you understand. We NEED forgiveness. The load of sin and regret we carry would crush us if not for God's amazing forgiveness. In one amazing act of love on a cross more than 2,000 years ago God dealt with my sins once for all. That phrase...once for a profound one to me. One sacrifice for all people, for all sins, for all time! It's scope and work is beyond my comprehension and I'm blessed daily that God has forgiven me. It's his mercy and grace that makes my relationship with him such a blessing. I never come to an angry God waiting to punish me, but I come to a loving Father who has already forgiven me. Today, especially today, and every day I'm most thankful for God's amazing forgiveness.

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