Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful, day 2

This is day 2 in my week long project leading up to Thanksgiving day. Today I'm thankful for dogs and babies. Strange combination, isn't it? But they do go together. Both are glad to see you, neither one will talk back, both dogs and babies will slobber all over you and you're glad about it. They both demand food and attention and we are glad to give them not really expecting much back. In fact, we often only get a wet nose or a dirty diaper for our troubles, but we do it gladly. It's funny how God provides little blessings like dogs and babies to ease the difficult days. So, today I'm thankful for dogs and babies....knowing that as I go home today I will come face to face with both. Isn't God good?

1 comment:

  1. Well, no babies around here - except my dog who THINKS he's my baby. I am thankful for my dogs. I love it that they absolutely adore me no questions asked. Yes, God is good for making those furry companions. But I do wish they lived a little longer than they do.

    Thanks for giving me something to be thankful for today. I was having a hard time.
