Friday, November 13, 2009

Sparrow theology

The truth about God and our world is much simpler than we make it. There are some basics that are revealed by nature itself, so let me call these basics "Sparrow theology." If the birds of the air understand these things we should be able to as well. Here are a few. I invite you to add to my list if you wish....this could be quite fun.
1. I am amazingly well designed. In fact, every part of me has a purpose. If this is true about me then how much more amazing is the one who made me? I am too complex, too well designed to have just happened. I was designed and so I must have a wonderful designer.
2. The one who designed me has taken on the task of caring for me. I don't need to worry. I have a creator who is caring for my needs.
3. I was designed to enjoy what my creator has made. It would be wrong not to enjoy his provision for me, so I'll sing and celebrate him at the top of my lungs....just because I can.
4. If I'm precious and purposeful to the creator how much more the man he has made? I'm fulfilling what I was designed to be, are the men I watch living the same way? If not, could it be because they don't know the creator I know?
There's a start. Fun, isn't it? Let me invite you to add to our "Sparrow theology" list. What would you add?

1 comment:

  1. Not only am I precious and purposeful, but beautiful! I belong to the family of sparrows but also to the family of all birds as well! As I watch the human, I see that my God created him to belong to his race specifically and also to the human race as well and he is beautiful, just like I am!
