Monday, November 30, 2009

End of the year regrets...

I was thinking this morning about how quickly this year has gone. In less than a month most of us will be making the traditional "New Year's resolutions." Even the most jaded of us will turn over a new leaf and promise to do better this year...even though we all know we won't keep these resolutions for more than a few weeks.
Let's start a new tradition. It will be much easier to do and much more fun. No guilt involved, really, because there's nothing we can do now to fix what we have already done. Let's start something new called "END OF THE YEAR REGRETS." I think this could really catch on. It will start this way, "In this last year I wish I would have....." Here's where we can be really honest and probably do more good for ourselves looking back with regret than looking ahead with intent.
Let me get this started with my own short list to begin. I invite you to contribute your own list as well.
In this last year I wish I would have....
....prayed more
....taken more walks with no destination in mind
....slowed down and enjoyed the day
....slept in once in a while more books
....been a better planner
....lost weight....I think I will always be working on this one
....written more personal notes to people I care about
....spent more time with the grandkids
Ok, there's a start with a very quick list from me. As I think about this for my life I realize this might actually do me more good than making promises I won't keep in the new year ahead.....maybe this might actually work....


  1. I think I will do my own list on my blog tomorrow since I just posted today. I'm not great at keeping my resolutions, so this sounds more motivational to me. At least it gives me something to work on. =-)

  2. Have fun, I look forward to reading your blog...
