Monday, November 09, 2009

The "elders" stopped by today

The "elders" stopped by to visit this afternoon. I sure love these guys, but get so frustrated trying to talk to them. They are so sincere, but believe a lie to their own eternal loss. They are extremely well trained to respond to almost any argument about faith and they each have experienced the "burning in the bosom" that is their witness that their faith is true (and mine is not). I always try to give time to visit with them, but it's so difficult. They are rarely open to truth. Their mission is to convert you and their defenses have been well built by their trainers. I will be praying for these guys. They are serving their god and they are sincere, but their god isn't the God of the bible. Their founder did a great job crafting this faith that looks so good and yet is so wrong. I feel bad for these young men, they really are trying to follow god, I just wish they knew the real God...the God of the bible.


  1. Mike, we know how you feel! We love our Mormon neighbors - they are wonderful, really they are - but we feel simply hamstrung because only God can move them. Their faith is so genuine! Just in the wrong thing. And we grieve it terribly because we love our neighbors so very much . And so we too pray and wait for some opportunity to speak when the Holy Spirit is at work. We also have 18 'elders' living just 2 blocks from our home on their mission. They're everywhere! :-)

  2. Brandon,

    I agree. It's such a difficult group to reach, they have been well indoctrinated. The two young men who visited me surprised me by the fact that they were rather combative and bordered on angry. I wonder, is this a new tactic? Bully them into conversion? It was a very strange new development in my encounters with them.

  3. Next time, bring them inside, give them a cool drink, Google "Morman Muffins"... LOL

  4. Dear anonymous - I'm unsure to whom you are referring, but at what point was I judging? I love my neighbors. I truly love them. If I believe that their belief will not bring them life and eternal joy but condemnation, how I could I not be concerned for them and pray for them to receive the truth and earnestly seek out opportunity to share the truth with them?

  5. I just had a sad note posted by an anonymous person. His words were not appropriate for this discussion and so I had to delete them. He was angry with me and asked, "who are you to say..."

    As I mentioned in my last comment these are not my words or my ideas. These come from Jesus himself. You may be mad at me for talking about them, but you must be mad at Jesus for saying them. Jesus was not politically correct and so, when we quote him we won't be either.

    The writer said I knew the bible, but didn't know God. These kinds of attacks do nothing to help with this discussion, but in fact it only turns into an angry mud throwing contest. I was sad to read their words, it's obvious they had not read what I wrote originally. I do care about those from different faiths. I care what happens to them. It would be most cruel for me to believe they are going the wrong direction and not say anything, but my friend seems to think that because I said something I am a mean, cruel and horrible person.

    I'm sorry for these kind of comments. It's sad to see someone claim that I'm not loving and then to demonstrate a complete lack of love for me. How do we get so confused on this? I am sorry I had to delete their comments, I would like to have a good discussion on the issue of faith and salvation, but some refuse to let this kind of visit be a good one...

  6. Anonymous,

    You state that Mike's drive them away. If I may ask - how is it that your comments draw people TO Christ?

    Please know that you come across as terribly arrogant in your posts. That may not be your attitude or your intention and I understand it's hard to knwo your motives because I don't know you, but the same goes for Mike or anyone else who posts on a blog.
