Saturday, November 28, 2009

Divine detours

"The best things that have happened to me in life were those things that I didn't plan" -Hank Cooper, a PhD and the "Starwars Defense Initiative" architect in the Reagan Administration.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9
I'm reading through the book of Acts right now and traveling with Paul as he evangelizes the Roman world. This morning I'm reading chapter 17. It's interesting to see how flexible Paul is as his plans are directed by God. If he is run out of one city then off to the next. If one town welcomes him then he stays for a while. It's not a life that a person who must be in control would enjoy because it's clear that Paul's journeys and life were completely in the hands of God. In a moment of time he may be redirected to a different destination than he had planned and Paul had to make the course corrections. It's as if we have a divine GPS always on and working in our lives. We might have our route planned, but then we hear his voice, "turn left NOW." and our course is changed. It's a scary journey at times, not knowing where I'm going or when, but it's a restful one at the same time knowing who is directing the path. Because I really believe God is directing my life and my route I can sit back and enjoy the ride. What will be the next great adventure? Only God knows and won't it be fun to find out what it is?

1 comment:

  1. But I always wonder if in Paul's mind he asked God, "Why would you want me to do that right NOW?" Or maybe that's just the voices in MY HEAD. But seriously...I do wonder how often Paul was disappointed in the detours? I guess that's why he said that he counted everything else rubbish except knowing Christ (that would be the Lori translation of Philippians). And during those detours, did he feel like he was doing anything great? Part of the time he was sitting under house arrest. Did he know that one day WE would be grateful for Paul being forced to be under house arrest so that that we could have his words to the Colossians and Ephesians and Philippians?

    Just things I think about when I think about Paul. I always wonder what type of legacy or lasting impact I'm leaving while I find myself detouring some place I didn't especially want to go.
