Saturday, November 07, 2009

Construction delays

It seems like they have been working on the roads near us for at least 40 years, but it's beginning to look like they might finish in my lifetime. It's taken longer than it should have because we do everything backwards. After an area has grown, business and houses built, THEN they fix the roads. It will be nice when they get all of this work done....until they begin "phase 2".....then it starts all over again.
My christian life feels like that. God is always working on something and it's usually in an area that is already busy in my life. Then, suddenly bulldozers show up and God begins to work on me. My agenda is changed, my life is altered and I get frustrated as God works. And, I know that as soon as we fix this part of me he will start working somewhere else. I'm glad I'm a project under construction and not a demolition project.

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