Saturday, October 10, 2009

Your thoughts?

Well, dear friends, I just looked at my blog count for this site and I am 17 away from 1,500 posts! Personally, I'm a little surprised and a lot amazed....I didn't know I had that much to say. I'm into year 4 now and am wondering....with the changes in where people are connecting, how we share and care for each other, is this blog still of value? Should I continue or hang up the old keyboard? As any writer would admit there are times when the brain is a blur and thoughts simply do not come. I've experienced that here numerous times. There are other days when my fingers simply can't move fast enough, but if it's not helping anyone I'll invest my time in other ventures. I must tell you that these little posts, all 1,500 of them, have helped me. I've kept them all in word documents as a personal journal of my thoughts over the last few years, but no one writes just for themselves, so your thoughts please. Shall I continue? Feel free to be honest, I value you and your friendship here over these 4 years together.
Thanks, Mike


  1. I've been wondering the same thing myself. My blog tracker shows blog traffic WAY down.

  2. You're blog is one of my top sites.... I find it inspiration, encouraging, challenging and unique. Your site is one I check almost daily if possible... and if I've been away from the computer a few days, I always go back and read the ones I missed. All that to say... Thanks for your words and sharing your thoughts.

  3. Coming from one who has drifted away from regularly posting, I understand. I enjoy writing myself, but understand the way of connectedness changing. But know this, I still check here daily for your posts and am frequently encouraged by your musings. Time is a precious commodity, invest it where you are led! I am but one voice in many. I do know that I am geting more traffic on mine thru' my facebook account, so... I would keep that in mind as well as it may not reflect the actual traffic.

  4. I love to read your thoughts and find them encouraging and inspiring. I haven't posted to my own blog in quite awhile so I understand but know that your efforts are appreciated.

  5. I look forward to reading your blogs. If not in this format, please let us know where to go to find your musings. I find them so very encouraging.

  6. Give it up, blogs are a terrible way to communicate and often end up in conflict more so than anything fruitful.

  7. I agree with Natalie. Your blog is among the top on my favorites list. I read every blog you write and find them encouraging and authentic and the teaching trustworthy. Hopefully, you will continue writing for your faithful readers, and for those who are fortunate enough to discover your wonderful words.

  8. I am not a writer, or a gadit expert. I don't use twitter or facebook. I only started following blogs a year or so ago. I read your blog daily, and as a gateway to other blogs. I also use your blog as something I send to my email list when you hit on something I think may help the lives of people on my email heart. The Question in my mind is what media works best for sharing your thoughts. In my not technical way of thinking your message will get to where God wants it to go any way you send it. The question is which way allows you to best express your message.

  9. I NEED your blog. It is an important tool to keep me connected or guide me if I'm feeling lost. Funny that you ask if people are reading their bible. My husband asks me (with the assumption that I am staying in the word) if I have read your blog lately.

    I often borrow your thoughts and share with my friends on facebook or direct them to your blog directly! It is of great value and I am so thankful to be able to learn from your wisdom!
