Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where are you?

I woke up in the night hours thinking about the very first question. It's a question that has haunted me for several days as I've thought about it. It's the first question ever asked. It's God's first question to man, "Where are you?" I don't want to focus on Adam's response, but on God's question. It is a question that echos through time. I'm sure it's a question that he asks us if we were listening. It's God's question as he looks for his man. "Where are you?"

Now, what I know about God tells me it wasn't a question for him, but for the man. He's God, he knew where Adam was. He was asking the question to evoke a response from Adam. Where are you? Are you aware that you aren't where I left you in our relationship together? Do you know that you have moved? Are you aware yourself that you have moved away from God? Have you looked around to see where you have come to? Where are you?

For some of us this question is hard to answer. We have been so long wandering from God that we are literally lost. We have no idea where we are. Like Adam our response when we find we are lost is fear, embarrassment and avoidance. We hide from God....the very one out searching for us....the very one we need to run to, but sadly, in our quest for our own way, we have lost our way completely. And so God is on a quest for his man that began at the fall and will continue until the end of this world. His question continues to be asked of each man and woman he searches out, "Where are you?" In your pursuit of your own way have you lost your way entirely? Do you even know where you are? Do you know God is looking for you?

As I watch a wandering world and listen to a searching God it's quite clear that God's quest for his man, for you and me, is a love quest. A quest to recapture the relationship he designed us to have. So today, as you look at the day ahead, the year ahead, where are YOU? As God searches for you have you allowed fear to make you run and hide from him? Are you lost? Are you embarrassed by your sin? You need to know that a loving father is looking for you, he cares about you, he's asking, "Where are you?"

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