Friday, October 23, 2009

The most important thing

This morning I'm reading in Colossians 1 and come, once more, to verses 13-20. This is an amazing section. It's the description of the incomparable Christ and his place in time and eternity. This morning I got stuck on this one phrase, "so that He Himself (Jesus) will come to have first place in everything." I read that over a couple times and began to think....God is working in this world and in our lives so that Jesus Christ will come to have first place in EVERYTHING! In my life, in my mind, in my priorities, in our government and in our world. God's plan is focused on one thing- the elevation of Jesus Christ above all things. I'm struggling with my words here, but as I think about this my mind wanders to these thoughts....what would it look like if Jesus had first place in everything in my life? In my work? In my family? In our country? In our world? One day he will have first place in everything, but today, in this moment I can begin to fulfill God's plans for the ages by giving Jesus first place in ME. In my work, my life, my family.... What would it look like for Jesus to have first place in me as I think about money? What would it look like for Jesus to have first place in my thinking? What would happen to my fears if he had first place? How would I speak about the government if he had first place? What would happen to my worries if he had first place? If he is really God, and he is, if he really will have first place in everything at some point in the future, how wise would it be for me to begin to give him first place in me and in all I touch? This is the kingdom of God beginning to get a foothold in this world by getting a foothold in my life. When I give him first place I'm introducing the world to the Kingdom of God in an individual life. I'm letting him rule in me...and as he rules in me he transforms how I think, how I view the world, my situations and the world around me. As I give him first place I show the world around me what everything will look like soon...when he will have first place in everything. This rule, this kingdom and his ultimate place in the universe begins with me...begins in my life as I let him rule....join me as we introduce the world to the Kingdom of God by letting Jesus have first place in you.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mike!! You know, I'm pretty sure that I knew the basics of this idea but how easily distracted I can be. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and giving me words to ponder. You are a blessing!
