Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More than dreams

Joye and I are watching a video called "More than Dreams." The video tells the stories of five people who have come to faith in Christ. Each of them wanted to know God personally and this video tells their stories. The stories are amazing. The story we watched tonight was told by a man who came to faith in Christ while at Mecca on his Hajj. In the midst of the most holy time in his faith as a Muslim Jesus sought him out and he found salvation and forgiveness of sin.
We have seen three of the stories and anxiously watch one each night. These stories of faith are so encouraging and remind me afresh of how much God loves us and desires a relationship with us. It's inspiring to know and see that God is still seeking lost sinners. My evangelistic heart is sensing a new fire building....


  1. Where did you get this video? I've never heard of it. It sounds very interesting!

  2. Joye got the video from NetFlick, but you can order it from their web site as well. I plan to order one for us, and may get one for the church.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just wondering, So what do you think of this quote?

    "God uses circumstances to develop our character. In fact, he depends more on circumstances to make us like Jesus than he depends on our reading the Bible" (Rick Warren - The Purpose-Driven Life; p. 193 & 265)

  5. David, interesting question. I would disagree for this reason- how do I know what being like Christ looks like without the Bible? I do believe he uses the Bible, our circumstances and a hundred other things to make us like Christ, but I don't think the circumstances "weigh more" than the influence of his word in this discussion, so let me ask you...why did you ask?

  6. As a follow up to David's question and Mike's response, my 2 cents are...

    What Rick Warren is saying is that you can read the bible all your life, but unless that wisdom becomes real in your life, it is worthless. What God wants is for us to be transformed into his likeness, and you need real life experiences for that to occur. There is a real danger of being overly intellectual about your faith, as if believing things in your mind is the end of the road. Thats just the beginning, the rest is dependent upon actually living out your life, allowing God to work through circumstances to change you.


  7. Anonymous,

    May I comment on your thoughts?

    You said, "What God wants is for us to be transformed into his likeness, and you need real life experiences for that to occur."

    I agree completely, but real life experiences alone do nothing to make that happen. Without his word and his Spirit the experiences of our lives alone do nothing to transform us into his likeness, in fact, apart from the word and the Spirit the experiences of life actually draw us away from God.

    You continue, "There is a real danger of being overly intellectual about your faith, as if believing things in your mind is the end of the road. Thats just the beginning, the rest is dependent upon actually living out your life, allowing God to work through circumstances to change you." How would you fit this view in with Paul's admonition in Romans 12:1-2? I understand what you are trying to say, but your implications are that knowing the word is a bad thing and apart from applying it to your life I would agree in part. If that's what you are trying to say I agree with you with some clarification. Thanks for the great thoughts.

  8. Mike,

    I was just trying to encourage David to actually LIVE his faith, whcih is absolutely vital and probably what Rick Warren was getting at. Otherwise, all your Bible reading is rather pointless.

    What good does it do to read about compassion but not be able to show it when the opportunity presents itself? Or love, you can read about it, but unless you experience it and show it to others, your book knowledge of it is meaningless.

    The Bible is helpful, but it is not the living God who resides within. Jesus said something to this effect to the pharisees, he said "you search the scriptures but the scriptures testify of me!" and they couldnt see the "living word" right in front of them.

    Romans 12 fits perfectly. Paul is encouraging us to be "living" sacrifices. Meaning, dont just sit there and think something, rather actually live it out, and this is how you are renewed in your mind, body, and spirit.

    enjoy the blessing of your life, for it is a gift of God.

  9. I find this interesting because here in Germany I have met one such woman. God has used dreams to touch those who are seeking but have never heard. This woman was baptized about a year ago. It had to be done in secret for fear of her life. Such is the life outside of America.

  10. Robyn, great to hear from you. How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you ok?

  11. Mike,

    Do you care to comment on my response? I assume you take no issue with it.

    "He who lives the life shall know the doctrine"


  12. Anon,

    It's hard to get clarity on a blog comment, but I think we are probably on the same page. A cup of coffee and a good visit and I'm sure we would say, "Yeah, that's where I'm at too."

  13. Anon,

    one last thing, you posted this as a quote,

    "He who lives the life shall know the doctrine"

    Where did you get that?

  14. Hi Mike,

    Its an old quote, not sure that anyone can lay claim to its origination. It has stuck with me through the years becasue it rings true and encourages me. Why do you ask?
